European University of the Seas

The vision of the European University of the Seas (SEA-EU) is to establish a distinctly international, pluri-ethnic, multilingual and interdisciplinary European University.

Partner Universities

SEA-EU In Numbers

Together with 32 associated partners, including 8 research centres, 5 businesses, 5 cities and 1 province authorities, 6 public entities, 4 NGOs and non-profit organization and 3 international clusters of excellence.

122 832


28 373


16 909

Staff, including 10 427 academic staff/researchers




Research Institutes


International Clusters of Excellence

What Is Our Intention?

One of the key aims of SEA-EU alliance is to act as a role model which will engage students, teachers, researchers and entrepreneurs in addressing big societal challenges through creation of transnational knowledge-creating teams. SEA-EU alliance is focused on sea that unites partner universities and creation of the European Observatory for Sustainable Blue Growth as a referent point for all information related to the sea from the environment where SEA-EU destinations are existing is one of the ambitious.

European Observatory for Sustainable Blue Growth is oriented on raising awareness of marine and maritime professions and their appeal to young people, with the aim to promote circular migration and form strategies for matching supply and demand for jobs. One of its primary missions is capacity building for knowledge and technology transfer from HEIs and PROs in marine and maritime sector.


Mission of the Platform for Observatory for Sustainable Blue Growth is to facilitate regional dialogue and foster an effective network of marine stakeholders across the regions as to achieve the goals of the European Sustainable Blue Development.


The vision is to create the platform which connects researchers and practitioners linked to the Alliance universities as well as relevant authorities.

Platform Features

Relevant Source

Provide links to relevant sources of information and data on the environmental (primarily marine) indicators according to the sustainable goals and sustainable blue economy principles.

Point Of Exchange

Serve as a point of exchange of research results as to foster the technology transfer from HEIs and PROs to the economy.

Point Of Dicussion

Serve as a point of collecting and discussing needs of the targeted economic sectors.

Meeting Point

Be a meeting point of the industry stakeholders to exchange ideas and good practices.

Facilitate Research

Facilitate research and data exchange on blue jobs.


Foster creation and launch of new formal and informal education/training programmes.


Initiate new collaborations and facilitate new projects.

Raise Capacities

Raise capacities (skills, knowledge, competencies) of its members.

DISCLAIMER: Agency and Commission are not responsible for: Any communication or publication that relates to the action, made by the beneficiaries jointly or individually in any form. This website and other communications are only the author’s (SEA-EU) view. Agency and the Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.