Environment Related Data
Environment Related Data
This part of the Observatory is dedicated to the data on the state of the environment. It monitors the values of the relevant indicators, hopefully pointing out the improvements in the quality of the marine environment.
The first part contains links to the databases and information systems structured according to the MSFD scheme (European marine regions – the Baltic Sea, the North-east Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea), as well as those related to specific seas or ecosystems.
EU Regional Seas
European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)
https://emodnet.ec.europa.eu/g... https://emodnet.ec.europa.e... https://emodnet.ec.eur... https://emodnet....European Ocean Biodiversity Information System
https://www.eurobis.org/about https://www.eurobis.org/abo... https://www.eurobis.or... https://www.euro...Mapping of Ocean Technology ecosystem in Dalmatia
https://marjan.unist.hr/UserDo... https://marjan.unist.hr/Use... https://marjan.unist.h... https://marjan.u...National databases
Database and indicators of the state of the marine environment, mariculture and fisheries of Republic of Croatia (in Croatian)
https://vrtlac.izor.hr/ords/ba... https://vrtlac.izor.hr/ords... https://vrtlac.izor.hr... https://vrtlac.i...Additional
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