Research Projects and Results
Research Projects and Results
Program/Fund | Name Of The Project | Acronym | Participating Universities |
Sino-Malta Fund 2019 | High-Precision Detection Technologies for Water Quality in Aquaculture | AquaDetector | University of Malta |
Centre for the development of biodegradable plastics in marine applications – Innovations for fisheries and aquaculture | Biodegradable plastics | University of Split | |
ERASMUS+ | Sustainable development of BLUE economies through higher Education and innovation in Western Balkan Countries | BLUEWBC | University of Split |
ERASMUS+ | Capacity building for Blue Growth and curriculum development of Marine Fishery in Albania | ALMARS | University of Split |
HORIZON 2020 | Innovative sustainable organic sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum L.) – based cropping systems to boost agrobiodiversity, profitability, circularity, and resilience to climate changes in Mediterranean small farm | SEA FENNEL4MED | University of Split |
HORIZON 2020 | Valorization of Mediterranean AlMond orchards through the use of intercropping integrated strategies | VALMEDALM | University of Split |
HORIZON EUROPE | Reconnect science with the blue society | BlueConnect | University of Split |
INTRREG | Water management solutions for reducing microbial environment impact in coastal areas | WATERCARE | University of Split |
ERASMUS+ | Innovative training for Smart coastal management and sustainable blue growth | Innovative training for Smart coastal management and sustainable blue growth |
University of Cadiz University of Western Brittany |
HORIZON 2020 | Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaTories | JERICO-NEXT | University of Western Brittany |
FP7-ENVIRONMENT | Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe’s Seas | KnowSeas | University of Western Brittany |
HORIZON 2020 | Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy | LEAP-RE | University of Western Brittany |
EMFAF | Maritime Spatial Planning as enabler of the European Green Deal | MSP - GREEN | University of Western Brittany |
PRIMA Programme | Self-sufficient Integrated Multi-Trophic AquaPonics System | SIMTAP | University of Malta |
BlueBio ERA-Net Cofund | Novel sustainable aquaculture technologies for the production of innovative feeds for improved fish stocks | AquaTech4Feed | University of Malta |
INTERREG | Biotechnologies for human health and blue growth | Bythos | University of Malta |
HORIZON 2020 | Intelligent Fish Feed through Integration of Enabling technologies and Circular principles | iFishENCI | University of Malta |
MarTERA ERA-NET Cofund | Development of SMART nanostructured layers for sensing corrosion in AQUAtic structure | SMARTAQUA | University of Malta |
Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) | Analysis techniques for quantifying nano and microplastic particles and their degradation in the marine environment | ANDROMEDA | University of Malta |
Sino-Malta Fund 2020 | An Automated Marine Fish Hatchery with Innovated Water Recirculation Technologies | Hatchery Match | University of Malta |
HORIZON 2020 | Virtual and physical Experimental Towing centre for the design of energy efficient sea-faring vessels | VENTuRE | University of Malta |
HORIZON 2020 | Multiple Use of Space for Island Clean Autonomy | MUSICA | University of Malta |
National funds | Smart Design Software for Cost Optimisation of Pressure Vessel Bundles for Offshore Hydro-pneumatic Energy Storage | SmartPvB | University of Malta |
National fund / University of Malta Research Fund | Renewable, sustainable & Eco-friendLy Agave CompositEs | REpLACE | University of Malta |
National funds | Spar-Type Floating Wind Turbine Platform with Integrated Deep Seawater Storage for reducing carbon footprint of LNG liquefaction | Spar-Type Floating Wind Turbine Platform | University of Malta |
Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) | Development of Hydro-Energy Storage System for Offshore Multi-Purpose Floating Platforms | FLASC | University of Malta |
Italia-Malta 2007-2013 project | Biodiversity and Sustainable Development in the Strait of Sicily | BioDiValue | University of Malta |
European Commission in Call FP7-SST-2012-RTD-1 | High Integrity Low Distortion Assembly | HILDA | University of Malta |
University of Malta Research Fund Committee | Damage Analysis on Marine Vessels due to Impact and Grounding | Damage Analysis on Marine Vessels due to Impact and Grounding | University of Malta |
University Maritime Platform | UMP | University of Malta | |
HORIZON 2020 | reinforcing SustainablE Actions, resilience, cooperation and harmonisation across and by the SEA-EU Alliance | reSEArch-EU |
University of Cadiz University of Gdansk University of Kiel University of Malta University of Split University of Western Brittany |
ERASMUS+ | European University of the Seas | SEA EU |
University of Cadiz University of Gdansk University of Kiel University of Malta University of Split University of Western Brittany |
ERASMUS+ | Beyond academia: broadening the career horizons of doctoral students in marine and maritime sciences in Europe | SEA-EU DOC |
University of Cadiz University of Gdansk University of Kiel University of Malta University of Split University of Western Brittany |
Sino-Malta Fund 2020 | An Automated Marine Fish Hatchery with Innovated Water Recirculation Technologies | Hatchery Match | University of Malta |
ESF | Internationalization of the Marine Fisheries and and Military Maritime study programs at the University of Split | INTERIV | University of Split |
Ministry of Agriculture | An innovative, ecological approach to growing mussels on ropes made of recycled materials with eDNA barcoding and pasteurization of edible shells | INNODAGNJA | University of Split |
ERASMUS+ | Moving towards innovative education for research-based and sustainable management of marine and freshwater ecosystems | CORRIENTE XXI | University of Western Brittany |
HORIZON 2020 | PrEseRvIng and sustainably governing Cultural heritage and Landscapes in European coastal and maritime regionS | PERICLES | University of Western Brittany |
ERASMUS+ | Refining Higher Education Apprenticeships with Enterprises in Europe | ApprEnt | University of Western Brittany |
HORIZON 2020 | Strategic Use of Competitiveness towards Consolidating the Economic Sustainability of the European Seafood sector | SUCCESS | University of Western Brittany |
FP7-OCEAN-2010 | Vectors of Change in Oceans and Seas Marine Life, Impact on Economic Sectors | VECTORS | University of Western Brittany |
ERASMUS+ | Futureproof Skills for the Maritime Transport Sector | Skillsea | University of Cadiz |
HORIZON 2022 | Improving GreeN Innovation for the blue revoluTION: new tools and opportunities for a more sustainable animal farming | IGNITION | University of Cadiz |
FP7-ENVIRONMENT | Morphological Impacts and COastal Risks induced by Extreme storm events | MICORE | University of Cadiz |
ERASMUS+ | Upgrading and harmonization of Maritime law STCW based curriculum for Maritime students | MareLaw | University of Split |
LIFE 2023 Funding | LIFE European Sharks | LIFE EU Sharks | University of Split |
ERDF | Development of technology for assessment of autopurification capabilities of coastal waters | CAAT | University of Split |
ERDF | Coastal zone monitoring using multi-scaling methods | COMON | University of Split |
INTERREG CBC Italy-Croatia | Managed use of treated urban wastewater for the quality of the Adriatic Sea | AdSWIM | University of Split |
INTERREG CBC Italy-Croatia | Development of Energy Efficiency Planning and Services for the Mobility of Adriatic MARINAs | DEEP-SEA | University of Split |
INTERREG CBC Italy-Croatia | Civil Protection Emergency DSS based on CITIzen Journalism to ENhance Safety of Adriatic Basin | E-CITIJENS | University of Split |
INTERREG CBC Italy-Croatia | Monitoring Sea-water intrusion in coastal aquifers and Testing pilot projects for its mitigation | MoST | University of Split |
INTERREG CBC Italy-Croatia | New Technologies for Macro and Microplastic Detection and Analysis in the Adriatic Basin | NET4mPLASTIC | University of Split |
INTERREG CBC Italy-Croatia | Preventing, Managing and Overcoming Natural-Hazards Risks to mitiGATE economic and social impact | PMO-GATE | University of Split |
INTERREG MED | Preserving biodiversity from plastics in Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas | Plastic Busters MPA | University of Split |
ERDF | Risk assessment of the pollution caused by rivers and discharges in coastal areas | CPoRT | University of Split |
Bilateral Fund of the EEA and Norway Grants | REmote Sensing monitoring in marine eCOsystem based spatial Planning | RESCOP | University of Split |
INTERREG CBC Italy-Croatia | Saltwater intrusion and climate change: monitoring, countermeasures and informed governance | SeCure | University of Split |
ERDF | Waters of Imotski region | VODIME | University of Split |
NATIONAL FUND | Groundwater flow modelling in karst aquifers | University of Split | |
SEA-EU Alliance research cruise 2022 | SEA-EU Alliance research cruise 2022 |
University of Cadiz University of Gdansk University of Kiel University of Malta University of Split University of Western Brittany |
EMFAF | BlueBioTechpreneurs project | BlueBioTechpreneurs | University of Gdansk |
Poziv za iskazivanje interesa dionika plave ekonomije regije Dalmacije za predstavljanje i umrežavanje s dionicima iz norveške regije Tronderlag |
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